Tag Archives: belly

Intro to me!

21 Jun

My name’s Jenn. I’m engaged to the man of my dreams, M, and together we are raising my 6 year old son, T, and his 9 year old daughter, B. Just about 10 weeks ago, we discovered that after a year of trying, we are finally expecting another child, which is the whole inspiration for this blog. A place where I can be frank and honest about my thoughts, feelings, symptoms, cravings, and all the other trappings of pregnancy.

As of today, I am 13 weeks, 6 days pregnant, although you wouldn’t guess from looking at me. That doesn’t mean I’m not showing at all… the complete opposite, in fact.  Thinking back to being pregnant with T, I’d say I look now what I looked like then at about 20 weeks. There’s definitely only one in there, and that one is likely a boy, according to the ultrasound we just had done on Sunday. I know there’s a chance it could be wrong, but for simplicities sake, I’m going to refer to the baby as a boy. I just hate when people refer to unborn babies as “it”, and typing “the baby” again and again is too much effort for me these days. So far I don’t think I’ve felt him move, but I am impatiently waiting. I almost forget what it’s like to sleep, food is my best friend (I am relatively healthy, so there. No one ever got fat off of watermelon and grapes), my sex drive is almost non-existent (poor hubs), and we’re only on the second day of summer and the heat already has me wanting to kick puppies. I love puppies. Oh, also, my boobs feel like they weigh 100lbs each, but the lovely lady who measured me at La Senza says they haven’t grown. Hmph.

In case you were wondering what I look like:


That’ll have to do for now.